Génération 4 #52
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Au sommaire :
- Mag
- Courrier des lecteurs
- Hit Parade
- La K7 Gen 4
- Club Gen 4
- Le Bidouilleur Malade
- La Boutique
- L’Avenfou
- Arcades
- News
- Micro
- Tests
- Preview
- Concours B.A.T 2
- Concours ad Lib
- Consoles news
- Tests CoregrafX
- Test Neo Geo
- Tests Megadrive
- Tests Gameboy
- Nippon News
- Concours Sodipeng
Jeux : 4D sports driving, crime city, dylan dog, dune, football champ, gods, harlequin, harpoon, hero quest, larry laffer utilities, matrix cubed, mautipi island, milli miglia, paperboy 2, psyborg, shadowlands, star trek, steel empire, super ski 2, the taking, of beverly hills, top banana, vroom, cyber dodge ball, liquid kid, ninja gaiden, prince of persia, r-type CD, the adam’s family, soccer brawl, buck rogers, rings of power, super adventure island, super fantasy land, toki, wani wani world, winter challenge, world cup 92.